But this post isn't about him. It's not about his religion. It's not even about his lack of skills. It's about his ridiculous, cult-like following of fans. Seriously...you guys need to take a step back and realize that you've gone too far.
Denver Broncos fans are perhaps some of the most annoying in the NFL. "In-Com-Plete." Has there ever been a more obnoxious chant? And you'd think they'd stop saying it, now that they have a QB with the accuracy of an 8-year old. But what I don't get is this whole phenomena trying to make Tebow something he's not.

(Ummm...you DO know that he's not Jesus, right?) In fact, he's not even the first player to praise God after a win or a touchdown. He's not the first player to pray before, during or after a game. There have been hundreds. Literally hundreds. So why, all of the sudden, do Christians act like Tebow is the first believer to put on a football helmet? I mean, come on...they don't even call it "praying" anymore. They call it "Tebowing?"
Seriously? Did prayer really need another synonym?
Let's be honest: Tim Tebow seems like a decent fella. He's a good running back. I have no idea how he got a job as a quarterback in the NFL but he did. And his team is winning games. (Did you catch that? HIS TEAM is winning games. Last I checked, Tebow wasn't the only one on the field.) But his team also plays in the worst division of all football. It's not like they've gone head to head with the Steelers, Giants, Packers or anyone else of substance. So let's try to keep things in perspective please?
I'm fairly certain that, if the field was made of water, Tebow wouldn't be able to walk on it.